Optima Technologies International, Inc.

Most Popular Questions

A: Optima originates from Latin, and means optimum in English. The meaning is the most favorable situation or level for growth, reproduction, or success.

A: Cybersecurity is the process of protecting and recovering critical systems and sensitive information from cyberattacks. It is the process of defending computers, servers, mobile devices, electronic systems, networks, and data from malicious attacks. It is also known as information technology security or electronic information security. Cybersecurity measures are designed to combat threats against networked systems and applications, whether those threats originate from inside or outside of an organization.

A: Cybercrime is defined as any illegal activity carried out using computers or the internet. Cybercrime is ranging from rogue individuals to organized crime groups to state-sponsored factions. Sophisticated techniques are used e.g. phishing, social engineering, and all kinds of malware etc. as part of their cyberattacks. Cybercrime is incredibly organized and professionalized.

A: The owner of Optima Technologies International, Inc. is Ib Knudsen, Copenhagen, Denmark.

A: We are at present active in Europe, Americas, Asia/Pacific-Rim, Middle East etc.

A: Our core business is to optimize the success rate of the cybersecurity level in organizations worldwide.

A: No, however, we are looking for the right organization to partner with to establish a joint-venture company, with the purpose of being able to build success on the Japanese market.

A: You are most welcome to send us an e-mail at mail@optimatechnologiesglobal.com, and we shall pass it on to the appropriate person who will contact you at the earliest convenience.

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